Thursday, November 11, 2010

The routine of things

I am slowly getting into a routine of things, However I have found that I have lost my mind. I used to be able to do a thousand things at once and know exactly what was going on, but now I have to write down the most ordinary of things or I completely forget to do them.

Now that race season is over, I am just doing cleaning and getting ready for my In-Law's visit for Thanksgiving.

I also find that the smallest things are irritating me. My husband is driving me crazy. I love him, and I know that things are also frustrating for him but he promised me that he would try to not ride my ass about things and all I have heard from him this week is bitch bitch bitch. Yes my Dad has attitude, and things are stressful but I don't need you (him) treating me like a mindless child. I am not the one who gets to take a 3 hour nap. I am busy from the moment you leave the house until the minute we go to bed. I am always taking care of someone else's needs. Weather it is Dad, Sis or you,,,, who the fuck is taking care of ME!!!???!!!! That is right, no one! Don't get pissy with me because I forgot to make juice, or didn't do some non-immediate need thing.

I may be irritated because I know that I don't have any breaks coming up. Nothing to look forward to, to get me out of the rut of life.

Did we make the right decision. Should I have put Dad in a assisted living center and Traci in a group home and stayed working? Things would have been tight and that would have presented it own challenges I am sure, but right now those challenges seem like something that would have been easier to deal with. I am sure that it wouldn't be, but they say the grass is always greener on the other side.

Well I am off to clean the kitchen and see what else I can get done!

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