Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well I was at the hospital for 6 hours today for 4 minutes with the Dr. Yet another new doctor, and still no real answers.
Sis is being a big pain in the ass. She doesn't react well to stress, and she is acting out horribly. She is not listening and she is just pushing buttons and it is so hard.
Hubby and I looked over our bills and our budget and discovered that is we make it tight we can make it without the rent and other income that we get from them. So now we have more decisions to make, if they recommend long term assisted living for Dad, do we also look at assisted living for Sis, and OMG have our house to ourselves? I don't know what that would be like. We wouldn't be able to race, at least not until we rearanged some monthly bills.
So know we have more options and more decisions to make and how to know what the right one. Do we put Sis and Dad in assisted living, and live our lives the way we would have with out them? Or do we make the sacrifices and keep them here?
I really don't know what to do, and how to make the decision.

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