Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well today was a good day for Dad. They had him stand up! Granted he looked like the hunback of Norte Dame, but he was standing on his own (sorta) He had help from the PT and the Nurse, but he stood up for almost 3 minutes. Then they but him back in bed for about 5 minutes and then stood him up for another few minutes then set him down in a real chair! He should move to the other hospital on Monday or Tuesday. Which sucks for me since I will not be able to leave work to be there when he is transfered. But it is what it is.
Dad is very upset with how weak he is. I still don't think he realizes how long or had bad he has been hurt. He wants to come home so bad! and I want him home, but we need to get him healthy. It is hard to see him so upset. But He will get better, We are too stubborn not to get better!

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